
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Finding Simplicity in the Midst of Chaos and Stuff

It's been awhile since I've been able to post anything on my Blog because we've had some computer trouble in the Fraley household; Hannah holding Kade while drinking a bottle of water and playing on the computer does not a good combination make! But God is good and the computer was under warranty and now I am able to catch up!
I had started to write something about the New Year when my computer got sick, and although we are now well on our way into the second month of the New Year, I still have so many thoughts that are swimming in my head about new beginnings, and hopefulness. Actually my meanderings have changed a bit in the month since 2010 began. I think that the New Year is always so full of hope and potential; we make New Year's resolutions, meaning that we resolve to change some things in our lives, try some new things and maybe quit some things that we feel are bringing us down. I love the idea of new beginnings, of a clean slate and a fresh start. However, now that it's the beginning of February, about half of those resolutions have already been busted! One thing that I've learned in my journey with the Lord is the fact that I don't need to look to January 1st in order to have those new beginnings, I can do it on February 6th or June 8th or October 6th, it doesn't matter when or where we are, God is the God of new beginnings and fresh starts!
The main New Year's resolution that I made for 2010 was: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify! My parents even gave me a sign with this one word on it for Christmas, and I have it hanging over a doorway as a constant reminder that I want to unclutter my life! I've begun with the guest room, which actually should be renamed the "throw all room" for this is where I "throw all" that I don't know what to do with! Then it's on to the kid's rooms and finally Mike's and my closet. It was embarrassing how much I have accumulated and the sad thing is that I've de-cluttered several times over the years, but it seems that once I get rid of stuff I give myself permission to get more stuff. It's a never ending cycle of craziness! Well, in the midst of going through and throwing out and putting aside to give away, I found this cool little book called "Simplify Your Life... 100 Ways To Slow Down And Enjoy the Things That Really Matter". Pretty appropriate don't you think?
I've enjoyed reading this short little book, and have come to the realization that my life is more simple than I thought! So many of the suggestions that the author made are things that I already implement. Part of the reason for this is because of where we live, we enjoy a simple and slow lifestyle on the ranges of Wyoming, we really don't have much of a choice! Another reason is because of the way that I was raised, the simple ways of life on a ranch. There is also the economy to take into consideration right now. Simple living is as much out of necessity rather than choice right now. I refuse to be discouraged about how carefully we have to budget our income, and instead I choose to look at it as a challenge and an adventure! I've been reading a lot lately about the Great Depression, and rather than become fearful and discouraged, I am heartened by the courage and fortitude that our grandparents and great-grandparents had in not just surviving hard-times, but thriving despite them!
So I'm finding that my role as a courageous mommy in the beginning of 2010 is in creating peace through simplicity for my family, enjoying the small pleasures in life. Like a walk with Kade where everything is new a incredible to his 16-month-old senses, or having a heart to heart with Hannah about how good God is in the midst of hardship and how He never ever changes or grows weary, cuddling with my handsome husband on the couch as we watch t.v. or do our Bible Study together, having a strong cup of coffee with sweet friends who love me enough to take me as I am, a phone conversation with my mother who is always available with a ready ear and a loving heart. Or in enjoying the first light of day as I spend time with God in the morning. Who needs stuff and busyness and chaos when a heart can enjoy the quiet peace of knowing that God has everything under control?
My wish for everyone in 2010 is this same thing, a quiet simplicity that brings about peace in the midst of life's storms. And maybe a stash of chocolate somewhere in all of that simplicity!