
Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday Reflections Continued.....

We just returned from the Good Friday Services at our Church and I just had to share a poem written by one of my favorite people.  Max Jennings often shares the poems that he writes with our Church family, and I've been blessed by so many of them.  It goes along so perfectly with what I posted earlier today that I just had to ask him if I could add it to my own thoughts.  Tonight was especially moving because of the fact that Max became pretty choked up as he recited this one.  I love the fact that Max so obviously feels what it would have been like to be at the cross.
Before The Cross

I imagine myself before the cross
With my Jesus hanging there,
With Roman soldiers all around 
And mockers everywhere.

Even travelers are mocking Him
A spear print in His side,
With Pharisees and Sadducees
Acting dignified.

And as I look up to my Lord
I think of all He's done,
And all the glories of Heaven He left
That my sould be won.

He suffered much at the hands of men
Deserted by His very own,
He suffered pain and anguish.  
Their sins to atone.

He lived here in a world of sin
With evil of every kind,
He was atttacked for His words 
By those who were so blind...

And yet He died for them 
As much for you and me,
They did not know who Jesus was
They were blind and could not see.

And still the people of this earth 
Are blind and refuse to see,
That Christ has given himself to be
A ransom for you and me.
Max A. Jennings
February 2003  

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