
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Turning 40

Celebrating 40 years of life today!! I am blessed: I have the amazing love of a good man who makes me feel cherished; two beautiful, healthy & happy children who fill my life w/ joy; parents who loved, adored & spanked me; brothers who are counted as two of my best friends; sister-in-laws who are more like sisters; friends that make me feel treasured; a body that is blessed with health most of the time and when it's not healthy my body teaches me humility. 40 is going to be amazing!!  

40!!  It's unbelievable to me because I so vividly remember those other milestone birthdays, 16, 20, 30.  It just doesn't seem possible that time is flying by as fast as it is.  On one hand it could depress me, but on the other hand I look at all that God has blessed me with in my 40 years of life and I realize what a gift it is!  I definitely feel wiser the older I get, although I have so much more to learn.  That's what's so exciting about growing older, God's never finished with us; He continues to teach, guide, shape and change me into the person He wants me to be, more like His Son!  It would be depressing if I felt like this was the end of the road, but I know that God has so much more planned for my life.

What do I plan on doing today to celebrate my birthday??  While Mike is at work and Hannah is at school, I think that Kade and I will take a drive and visit some special older ladies in my life, let them know how much I love and appreciate them.  Sara, who is grieving from the sudden loss of her 57-year-old daughter; Aunt Doris who was recently moved into an assisted living facility after a bad fall, Della who is grieving the loss of her oldest friend - her sister; and Vieva, who just turned 100 this week.  These women are precious to me, and I hope that in the next 30-60 years (if I'm anything like Vieva!) that I can leave a legacy of grit, strength, love and faith that these ladies have shown me.

Again, I am just reveling in the blessings that God have covered me with.  My family, friends, Church home, job, life,  even the trials that I have faced over the last 40-years; I wouldn't trade any of it to be 20 again - I've gained too much!

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