
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Do you ever stop to think about the diversity of our planet?  
Did you know that there are over 1,000 different breeds of cattle?  
Over a thousand!!! 
I know of probably 15, but had no idea that there were so many different breeds!  
Around 10,000 different species of birds as well!  
Who knew!  
Over 15,000 species of fish.
And still counting!  
Just think about the diversity of our beautiful planet.
Mountains and valleys, lakes and rivers, deserts and prairies, cities and rural areas.  
So many unique and different topographical wonders to explore.  
Not to mention all the other planets, solar systems, stars and heavenly wonders. 
Nothing is the same.  
Every animal, every species, every breed, every topographic area, every human being is different and unique.

I am continually amazed at how creative the Creator is.  
He could have chosen to make each of us exactly the same. 
Same in shape, size, hair and eye color, skin color.
All one big bunch of the same.  
But the Lord delights in different;
and He wants to delight us with different as well! 
Just think about how boring our world would be if we were all the same; 
Same in looks, ideas, interests, beliefs, thoughts, opinions, dreams,
passions, gifts, talents, abilities.  
Our differences bring color and joy to the world.  
Diversity in nature and in the Human Race is what makes life interesting and beautiful.

I pray that we could all learn to appreciate our differences
instead of fighting against them.
I pray that we could all be comfortable in our own skins
While celebrating other people being comfortable in the skin that God gave them.
I pray that we could learn from our differences,
Not force someone else to be the same as us,
But share our differences in a loving and respectable way.

We don’t want to be the same. 
God never intended for us to be the same.
He created us each uniquely and gave us each distinctive qualities…
Physical traits, character traits, passions and dreams.
We are not the same.
We are uniquely and wonderfully made.
Because the same God that created over 10 quintillion different kinds of bugs,
Created us each with intention and purpose, 
Not so that we could each be the same.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. I was recently in Europe and saw scottish cattle that looked like .... not cattle.
