

Mission Statement for The Courageous Mommy
Encouraging women as they live out their God-given roles as wives and mothers as well as to live vibrant and abundant lives of faith in God. Life requires courage, no matter where you are, what stage of life you are in or what struggles and triumphs you are going through. Sharing the adventures, struggles, joys and victories that go hand in hand with the life of a ranching family in hopes that I can bring encouragement and validation to other ranch wives as well as to give a glimpse into our way of life so that it may be better appreciated and understood by those outside of agriculture. Life is a journey, I want to encourage you to live it with faith, perseverance and courage!
About Me
My name is Jana Fraley.  I am a wife, mother, daughter and sister as well as being the daughter of the Most High God! My life may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I sure love it!  Our family ranches on the plains of Wyoming and although this way of life can be a hard struggle, it is a good life and it is what I know and love.
My passions include: My relationship with God, being a wife to Mike and mother to Hannah and Kade, my family and friends, writing, encouraging women in their roles as wife and mother, reaching others for Christ, the western way of life, cattle, horses, dogs, wildlife, discipleship and Bible study, chocolate and coffee!  Whewy, that's a lot to be passionate about! 
The objective of "The Courageous Mommy" (and what I hope that it accomplishes) is to encourage and equip women as they journey along on this adventure called life!  I want women to be able to relate and realize that they aren't alone.  I hope that "The Courageous Mommy" encourages women to pursue an active and intimate relationship with the Lord through a vibrant and abundant faith.   
I also want to reach those women involved in ranching; to encourage and empathize with those women who are working right beside their family in the day in and day out hardships, struggles, joys and accomplishments that go along with being a ranch wife.  And to communicate to and correct misconceptions that are out there in order for those who are outside of agriculture to have a better understanding, respect and appreciation for our way of life. 
I want women to come to "The Courageous Mommy" and find refreshment, rejuvenation and some courage for daily living with no condemnation!  Please realize that I am not writing from a place of expertise or authority, but from a place of understanding and empathy.  I am in the trenches too! 
God has called us to live abundant, thriving lives (John 10:10); but I know that some days are harder than others and rather than thriving we feel like we are just surviving.  It truly does take courage to live the life that God has called us to.  This is where “The Courageous Mommy” was born; from my heart’s desire to find and share the courage needed to live a victorious and abundant life that glorifies God. 
Courageously yours,

1 comment:

  1. I love your mission statement Jana. We all need to be reminded to come alongside one another as wives mothers, grandmothers, and women to encourage, pray, and stand strong together in faith. You are right, it does takes courage to live a victorious life, especially in our world today.
